Construction building product platform, SpecifiedBy is introducing a newsletter to try to help as many building product companies as possible.
From next week, it will start …..
….. a weekly newsletter going out to around 30,000 architects & specifiers every Monday…
Lots of building product companies are putting together online CPDs and events. And SpecifiedBy has a new online CPD hosting feature going live to help its customers push recorded content to the audience.
Our databases of named buyers at 500+ UK contractors and housebuilders and named senior contacts at 1,200+ UK architectural practices are accessible from the DOWNLOADS page – or via our SHOP for non-subscribers
But it also wanted a way to support more companies and to also help promote the great, educational content that companies are hosting themselves, outside of SpecifiedBy. So the weekly newsletter will go ahead for as long as things are difficult, with a round-up of the latest online CPDs, events and educational content which building product companies are hosting.
If you have suitable content, submit your details via the online form here.
In return SpecifiedBy asks that you help get the word out to as many companies as possible via LinkedIn or Twitter.